Source code for pygtop.targets

"""Contains target-specific objects and functions."""

from . import gtop
from . import pdb
from .interactions import Interaction, get_interaction_by_id
from .exceptions import NoSuchTargetError, NoSuchTargetFamilyError
from .shared import DatabaseLink, Gene, strip_html

[docs]def get_target_by_id(target_id): """Returns a Target object of the target with the given ID. :param int target_id: The GtoP ID of the Target desired. :rtype: :py:class:`Target` :raises: :class:`.NoSuchTargetError`: if no such target exists in the database""" if not isinstance(target_id, int): raise TypeError("target_id must be int, not '%s'" % str(target_id)) json_data = gtop.get_json_from_gtop("targets/%i" % target_id) if json_data: return Target(json_data) else: raise NoSuchTargetError("There is no target with ID %i" % target_id)
[docs]def get_all_targets(): """Returns a list of all targets in the Guide to PHARMACOLOGY database. This can take a few seconds. :returns: list of :py:class:`Target` objects""" json_data = gtop.get_json_from_gtop("targets") return [Target(t) for t in json_data]
[docs]def get_targets_by(criteria): """Get all targets which specify the criteria dictionary. :param dict criteria: A dictionary of `field=value` pairs. See the\ `GtoP target web services page <\ webServices.jsp#targets>`_ for key/value pairs which can be supplied. :returns: list of :py:class:`Target` objects.""" if not isinstance(criteria, dict): raise TypeError("criteria must be dict, not '%s'" % str(criteria)) search_string = "&".join(["%s=%s" % (key, criteria[key]) for key in criteria]) json_data = gtop.get_json_from_gtop("targets?%s" % search_string) if json_data: return [Target(t) for t in json_data] else: return []
[docs]def get_target_by_name(name): """Returns the target which matches the name given. :param str name: The name of the target to search for. Note that synonyms \ will not be searched. :rtype: :py:class:`Target` :raises: :class:`.NoSuchTargetError`: if no such target exists in the database.""" if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("name must be str, not '%s'" % str(name)) targets = get_targets_by({"name": name}) if targets: return targets[0] else: raise NoSuchTargetError("There is no target with name %s" % name)
[docs]def get_target_family_by_id(family_id): """Returns a TargetFamily object of the family with the given ID. :param int family_id: The GtoP ID of the TargetFamily desired. :rtype: :py:class:`TargetFamily` :raises: :class:`.NoSuchTargetFamilyError`: if no such family exists in the database""" if not isinstance(family_id, int): raise TypeError("family_id must be int, not '%s'" % str(family_id)) json_data = gtop.get_json_from_gtop("targets/families/%i" % family_id) if json_data: return TargetFamily(json_data) else: raise NoSuchTargetFamilyError("There is no Target Family with ID %i" % family_id)
[docs]def get_all_target_families(): """Returns a list of all target families in the Guide to PHARMACOLOGY database. :returns: list of :py:class:`TargetFamily` objects""" json_data = gtop.get_json_from_gtop("targets/families") return [TargetFamily(f) for f in json_data]
[docs]class Target: """A Guide to PHARMACOLOGY target object. :param json_data: A dictionary obtained from the web services.""" def __init__(self, json_data): self.json_data = json_data self._target_id = json_data["targetId"] self._name = json_data["name"] self._abbreviation = json_data["abbreviation"] self._systematic_name = json_data["systematicName"] self._target_type = json_data["type"] self._family_ids = json_data["familyIds"] self._subunit_ids = json_data["subunitIds"] self._complex_ids = json_data["complexIds"] def __repr__(self): return "<Target %i (%s)>" % (self._target_id, self._name)
[docs] def target_id(self): """Returns the target's GtoP ID. :rtype: int""" return self._target_id
@strip_html def name(self): """Returns the target's name. :param bool strip_html: If ``True``, the name will have HTML entities stripped. :rtype: str""" return self._name @strip_html def abbreviation(self): """Returns the target's abbreviated name. :param bool strip_html: If ``True``, the abbreviation will have HTML entities stripped. :rtype: str""" return self._abbreviation @strip_html def systematic_name(self): """Returns the target's systematic name. :param bool strip_html: If ``True``, the name will have HTML entities stripped. :rtype: str""" return self._systematic_name
[docs] def target_type(self): """Returns the target's type. :rtype: str""" return self._target_type
[docs] def family_ids(self): """Returns the the family IDs of any families this target is a member of. :returns: list of ``int``""" return self._family_ids
[docs] def families(self): """Returns a list of all target families of which this target is a member. :returns: list of :py:class:`TargetFamily` objects""" return [get_target_family_by_id(i) for i in self._family_ids]
[docs] def subunit_ids(self): """Returns the the target IDs of all targets which are subunits of this target. :returns: list of ``int``""" return self._subunit_ids
[docs] def subunits(self): """Returns a list of all targets which are subunits of this target. :returns: list of :py:class:`Target` objects""" return [get_target_by_id(id_) for id_ in self._subunit_ids]
[docs] def complex_ids(self): """Returns the the target IDs of all targets of which this target is a subunit. :returns: list of ``int``""" return self._complex_ids
[docs] def complexes(self): """Returns a list of all targets of which this target is a subunit. :returns: list of :py:class:`Target` objects""" return [get_target_by_id(id_) for id_ in self._complex_ids]
@strip_html def synonyms(self): """Returns any synonyms for this target. :param bool strip_html: If ``True``, the synonyms will have HTML entities stripped. :returns: list of str""" return [synonym["name"] for synonym in self._get_synonym_json()]
[docs] def genes(self, species=None): """Returns any genes for this target. :param str species: If given, only genes belonging to this species will be returned. :returns: list of :class:`.Gene` objects.""" if species: return [Gene(gene_json) for gene_json in self._get_gene_json() if gene_json["species"] and gene_json["species"].lower() == species.lower()] else: return [Gene(gene_json) for gene_json in self._get_gene_json()]
[docs] def interactions(self, species=None): """Returns any interactions for this target. :param str species: If given, only interactions belonging to this species will be returned. :returns: list of :class:`.Interaction` objects.""" if species: return [Interaction(interaction_json) for interaction_json in self._get_interactions_json() if interaction_json["targetSpecies"] and interaction_json["targetSpecies"].lower() == species.lower()] else: return [Interaction(interaction_json) for interaction_json in self._get_interactions_json()]
get_interaction_by_id = get_interaction_by_id """Returns an Interaction object of a given ID belonging to the target. :param int interaction_id: The interactions's ID. :rtype: :py:class:`.Interaction` :raises: :class:`.NoSuchInteractionError`: if no such interaction exists in the database."""
[docs] def ligands(self, species=None): """Returns any ligands that this target interacts with. :param str species: If given, only ligands belonging to this species will be returned. :returns: list of :class:`.DatabaseLink` objects.""" ligands = [] for interaction in self.interactions(species=species): ligand = interaction.ligand() if ligand not in ligands: ligands.append(ligand) return ligands
@pdb.ask_about_molecupy def gtop_pdbs(self, species=None): """Returns a list of PDBs which the Guide to PHARMACOLOGY says contain this target. :param bool as_molecupy: Returns the PDBs as \ `molecuPy <>`_ PDB objects. :returns: list of ``str`` PDB codes""" if species is None: return [pdb["pdbCode"] for pdb in self._get_pdb_json() if pdb["pdbCode"]] else: return [pdb["pdbCode"] for pdb in self._get_pdb_json() if pdb["pdbCode"] and pdb["species"].lower() == species.lower()] @pdb.ask_about_molecupy def uniprot_pdbs(self, species=None): """Queries the RSCB PDB database with the targets's uniprot accessions. :param bool as_molecupy: Returns the PDBs as \ `molecuPy <>`_ PDB objects. :param str species: If given, only PDBs belonging to this species will be returned. :returns: list of ``str`` PDB codes""" uniprot_accessions = [ link.accession() for link in self.database_links(species=species) if link.database() == "UniProtKB" ] if uniprot_accessions: results = pdb.query_rcsb_advanced("UpAccessionIdQuery", { "accessionIdList": ",".join(uniprot_accessions) }) return [result.split(":")[0] for result in results] if results else [] else: return [] @pdb.ask_about_molecupy def all_pdbs(self, species=None): """Get a list of PDB codes using all means available - annotated and external. :param bool as_molecupy: Returns the PDBs as \ `molecuPy <>`_ PDB objects. :param str species: If given, only PDBs belonging to this species will be returned. :returns: list of ``str`` PDB codes""" return list(set( self.gtop_pdbs(species=species) + self.uniprot_pdbs(species=species) )) def _get_synonym_json(self): json_object = gtop.get_json_from_gtop( "targets/%i/synonyms" % self._target_id ) return json_object if json_object else [] def _get_database_json(self): json_object = gtop.get_json_from_gtop( "targets/%i/databaseLinks" % self._target_id ) return json_object if json_object else [] def _get_gene_json(self): json_object = gtop.get_json_from_gtop( "targets/%i/geneProteinInformation" % self._target_id ) return json_object if json_object else [] def _get_interactions_json(self): json_object = gtop.get_json_from_gtop( "targets/%i/interactions" % self._target_id ) return json_object if json_object else [] def _get_pdb_json(self): json_object = gtop.get_json_from_gtop( "targets/%i/pdbStructure" % self._target_id ) return json_object if json_object else []
[docs]class TargetFamily: """A Guide to PHARMACOLOGY target family object. :param json_data: A dictionary obtained from the web services.""" def __init__(self, json_data): self.json_data = json_data self._family_id = json_data["familyId"] self._name = json_data["name"] self._target_ids = json_data["targetIds"] self._parent_family_ids = json_data["parentFamilyIds"] self._sub_family_ids = json_data["subFamilyIds"] def __repr__(self): return "<'%s' TargetFamily>" % self._name
[docs] def family_id(self): """Returns the family's GtoP ID. :rtype: int""" return self._family_id
@strip_html def name(self): """Returns the family's name. :param bool strip_html: If ``True``, the name will have HTML entities stripped. :rtype: str""" return self._name
[docs] def target_ids(self): """Returns the the target IDs of all targets in this family. Note that only immediate children are shown - if a family has subfamilies then it will not return any targets here - you must look in the sub-families. :returns: list of ``int``""" return self._target_ids
[docs] def targets(self): """Returns a list of all targets in this family. Note that only immediate children are shown - if a family has subfamilies then it will not return any targets here - you must look in the sub-families. :returns: list of :py:class:`Target` objects""" return [get_target_by_id(i) for i in self._target_ids]
[docs] def parent_family_ids(self): """Returns the the target IDs of all target families of which this family is a member. :returns: list of ``int``""" return self._parent_family_ids
[docs] def parent_families(self): """Returns a list of all target families of which this family is a member. :returns: list of :py:class:`TargetFamily` objects""" return [get_target_family_by_id(i) for i in self._parent_family_ids]
[docs] def sub_family_ids(self): """Returns the the target IDs of all arget families which are a member of this family. :returns: list of ``int``""" return self._sub_family_ids
[docs] def sub_families(self): """Returns a list of all target families which are a member of this family. :returns: list of :py:class:`TargetFamily` objects""" return [get_target_family_by_id(i) for i in self._sub_family_ids]