Source code for pygtop.pdb

"""Functions for interacting with the RSCB PDB web services."""

import requests
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ElementTree
import molecupy


advanced_search_xml = """<orgPdbQuery>

[docs]def query_rcsb(query_type, criteria): """Queries the RSCB PDB web services with a simple GET request. :param str query_type: The type of query to make :param str criteria: The criteria for this query :rtype: ``ElementTree`` XML element""" param_string = "&".join(["%s=%s" % (key, criteria[key]) for key in criteria]) response = requests.get( "%s%s?%s" % (ROOT_URL, query_type, param_string) ) if "xml" in response.headers["Content-Type"]: return ElementTree.fromstring(response.text) else: return None
[docs]def query_rcsb_advanced(query_type, criteria): """Queries the RSCB PDB web services as an advanced search with a POST request. :param str query_type: The type of query to make :param str criteria: The criteria for this query :returns: list of ``str`` PDB codes""" param_elements = "\n".join(["<%s>%s</%s>" % (key, criteria[key], key) for key in criteria]) query_xml = advanced_search_xml % (query_type, param_elements) response = "%ssearch" % ROOT_URL, data=query_xml.encode(), headers={"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} ) if "problem" not in response.text.lower() and "null" not in response.text.lower(): return response.text.split() else: return None
[docs]def ask_about_molecupy(func): """A decorator which, when applied to a function, will add a 'as_molecupy' keyword argument - if set to True this will convert any PDB codes the function returns to `molecuPy <>`_ PDB objects.""" def new_func(*args, as_molecupy=False, **kwargs): pdbs = func(*args, **kwargs) if as_molecupy: return [molecupy.get_pdb_remotely(pdb) for pdb in pdbs] else: return pdbs new_func.__name__ = func.__name__ new_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__ return new_func