Source code for pygtop.gtop

"""Functions for interacting with the Guide to PHARMACOLOGY web services."""

import json
import requests


[docs]def get_json_from_gtop(query, attempts=5): """Issues a query to the GtoP web services, and returns the resulting JSON. If it does not get a valid response, it will try again, and if it still doesn't get JSON back, it will return None. :param str query: The query to append to the base URL. :param int attempts: The number of attempts to make before giving up \ (default is 5). :return: JSON object or None""" if not isinstance(attempts, int): raise TypeError( "attempts must be an integer greater than zero, not %s", str(attempts) ) if attempts < 1: raise ValueError( "attempts must be an integer greater than zero, not %s", str(attempts) ) try_count = 0 while try_count < attempts: response = requests.get("%s%s" % (ROOT_URL, query)) try: if response.status_code == 200 and len(response.text) > 1: return json.loads(response.text) else: raise ValueError except ValueError: try_count += 1 return None